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FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf

FBN建筑公司合并了两个Rowes码头单元,以展示扩展的视野, elevated finishes, and a fully circular rotunda entrance.

众所周知,波士顿标志性的罗维斯码头大楼是这座城市最令人羡慕的地方之一. 被充满活力的能量和波士顿港的景色所包围,它是终极的城市避难所. For one client of FBN Construction Co., 与Dana Cohen建筑师和室内设计师Kurt Sternberg合作, 修复和扩建他们在罗维斯码头的房产的机会偶然出现了. 作为多年来梦寐以求的角落公寓的业主, the clients approached FBN with not one, but two plans to reimagine the space, 他们的最终任务取决于能否拿下隔壁的部队.

FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf(Photography: Greg Premru)

“They were designing with the future in mind,” says FBN project manager Shalini Vattes, 注意到该项目开始时计划只改造一个单元, 稍后可能会合并第二个单元. “他们已经制定了将两个部门合并的计划, 而当隔壁的那套房子空出来的时候,正是时候.” With fate on their side, 项目团队着手进行全面的翻新,将单元合并到一个两倍大小的空间中, with twice the harbor views.

FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf(Photography: Greg Premru)

该项目涉及对这两个装置进行全面检修, both of which hadn’t seen updates in years. With two of everything, 整个空间被重新配置,以创建一个更大的厨房, a more spacious primary suite, 门厅附近还有一个统一的化妆室. 该设计为音乐室等额外空间腾出了空间, library, guest suite, and expanded living area, 最初划分的天井空间被统一成一个广阔的平台.

FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf(Photography: Greg Premru)

“通过组合这些单元,最引人注目的变化之一是前门圆形大厅,” notes Vattes. Before the merge, 进门时只能看到一半的水景, as a dividing wall separated the units. “Once that wall came down, and the new views were unveiled, 我想没有一个人走进来不惊讶的,” Vattes continues. 采用手工切割的大理石和定制设计的木制边框,遵循其现在的全圆形曲率, 圆形大厅变成了一个引人注目的入口,可以看到波士顿港令人敬畏的景色.

FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf(Photography: Greg Premru)

住宅的迷人转变包括永恒和优雅的细节,拥抱精致的传统吸引力. 人字形地板通向主要的起居空间, 每一面墙和表面都有复杂的木制品, wainscoting, and ornate finishes. Natural light pours into every room, 在那里,一个舒缓的蓝色和绿色调色板优雅地将珍贵的作品与新元素融合在一起. 

FBN Construction, Greg Premru, Rowes Wharf(Photography: Greg Premru)

“这个项目对客户来说意义重大,”Vattes说. “为了这个项目,我们组建了一个非常棒的团队, including the clients, 谁在朝着一个令他们兴奋的目标努力.” The embers of a dream come true, 结果象征着一个新的篇章,由命运的突发奇想引导,使这个项目成为可能.

Builder: FBN Construction, Architect: Dana Cohen, Writer: Maddie Brisbane, Photography: Greg Premru


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